Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Let’s Have Fun! What Is The Weirdest Name You’ve Used To Save Someone’s Number On Your Phone?

Hi everyone...

If you would agree with me, there are many funny names you can find on people’s phone contacts which leaves you but to imagine how the hell they came about such name

In most cases, people tend to save someone’s name on their phone with the current circumstances surrounding them at that particular time they got the number.

I have seen a Lady who saved a Guy’s name on her phone contact as ‘Yinka Boli’ simply because they met at the point where they both wanted to buy Boli (Fried Plantain)

What Is The Weirdest Name You Have Used On Your Own Phone Before?

As for me, the one I can term as the weirdest on my phone is Adeola Shawarma just because they told me the only way to penetrate her is through Shawarma

What about you?

Let’s see yours in the comment box! Leggo!!

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