Tuesday, March 13, 2018



How to make your content more SEO-friendly

SEO writing is Search Engine Optimization writing. It is writing that is focused on grabbing the attention of the search engines using specific, targeted words or phrases (called keywords or keyword phrases), and using them in specific ways.

Once you have a strong idea in mind for how you’d like to write and format your content, consider using some of the following tools to simplify and improve the writing process.

1)  Get your keyword research on.
If you’re going to post content on your site anyway, you might as well take the time to make sure Google takes notice of your effort.
Find out which keywords and phrases people are searching for (as well as what you can be competitive in), and make yourself a keyword spreadsheet. Keep track of how many times you work the keywords into your content, and use the right tools to track where you rank for the keywords you target (SEMrush is our favorite). Don’t know where to get started? Check out our comprehensive guide to keyword research for SEO.

2)   Use headlines and sub-headers
Using headlines and sub-headers does several things for SEO optimization. First, it makes your writing skimmable and therefore easier to read. People are more likely to share things that are easy to read. Also, having headers and sub-headers increases the keyword saturation.

3)  Add images
Its so technically this isn’t a writing technique, but it can bring your SEO writing to life. Images complement your text and increase the likelihood that prospects will read and engage with your content. People are naturally drawn to them. Picture quality is important, though. Low-quality images can be a turn-off for potential customers. Engagement aside, images can boost your SEO. If optimized correctly, they can generate traffic and boost your search engine rankings. In fact, image optimization is thought to be a Google ranking factor. When optimizing images, keep the file size as small as you can. Also, be sure to add alt text and include your keyword in the descriptive file name.
4)   Write high-quality content
This one should be pretty self-evident, but it isn’t always applied. The best way to get people to read and engage with your content is to write content that is useful and entertaining. Search engines reward sites that have high-quality, relevant content. Quality is more important than almost every other factor on the list.

5)    Use plain language

The selection of words for a product description is critical and may depend on your target audience. Every individual owns a vocabulary which may be different from the other. While writing an essay for university graduates, you may use difficult words. But, when it comes to the readability of a common user, every write-up needs to be simple and in plain language.

6) Be informative
The search engines are trying to be informative rather than deceptive. So, make your product pages informative by discussing the potential benefits. Praising a product over and again with the use of phrases like “best-selling”, “most demanding”, “top ranking”, etc. can harm your brand rather than do any good.

An SEO friendly product description describes the core features and benefits along with the practical use of a product or service. Because the search engines are now focused on providing value rather than the ranking the keywords stuffed together on product pages alone. Take the example in this image about sharing valuable information rather than becoming promotional.

7)   Write unique and distinct copy
The uniqueness of a product page is a core element in SEO. A few years ago, most of the marketers used to copy product descriptions of a competitor and make necessary changes to make it look unique. Then, the search algorithms were not smart enough to examine the meaningless spinning and rephrasing.Now it’s not the same.
Uncovering duplicate content is much more refined and the search engines value the originality of your product descriptions. You may take inspiration from other products in the market, but come up with a description that is written from the scratch. Normally, the product descriptions are not lengthy, so copying a short sentence may secure you a plagiarism penalty.

8)   Quick tips to review:

Define a content structure. Web users usually scan the content in an F-shape reading pattern.
Start with the core features of your product.
Add benefits to remove customer guilt after making a purchase.
Discuss practical examples to let them know the different usages and capabilities of the product.
Aim to write for your buyer persona and not the search engine bot.