Wednesday, March 14, 2018



Garlic is a strong-smelling pungent-tasting bulb, used as a flavoring in cooking and in herbal medicine. Garlic is a species in the onion genus, Allium. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chive, and Chinese onion.

Garlic is a perennial bulb with a tall, erect flowering stem that grows up to 1 m. The leaf blade is flat, linear, solid, and approximately 1.25 to 2.5 cm wide, with a pointed top.

Garlic(Allium sativum), is used widely as a flavoring in cooking, but it has also been used as a medicine throughout ancient and modern history; it has been taken to prevent and treat a wide range of conditions and diseases.

High cholesterol and high blood pressure

The study involved 23 volunteers, all with high cholesterol; 13 of them also had high blood pressure. They were divided into two groups:

The high-cholesterol normotensive group (normal blood pressure).
The high-cholesterol hypertensive group (high blood pressure).
They took garlic extract supplements for 4 months and were regularly checked for blood lipid parameters, as well as kidney and liver function.

Garlic extract supplementation improves blood lipid profile, strengthens blood antioxidant potential, and causes significant reductions in systolic and diastolic blood pressures. It also leads to a decrease in the level of oxidation product (MDA) in the blood samples, which demonstrates reduced oxidation reactions in the body."

In other words, the garlic extract supplements reduced high cholesterol levels, and also blood pressure in the patients with hypertension. The scientists added that theirs was a small study - more work needs to be carried out.

Boosts the Immune System

Consuming garlic is one way to give your immune system an extra boost.

With high antioxidants, garlic helps to eliminate free radicals and sickness-causing toxins.

One 12-week study of 140 randomized volunteers confirmed that garlic (or allicin supplements) has an adverse effect on the common cold.

In fact, colds were reduced by more than 60% in the volunteers who received garlic.

The other group that received a placebo recorded worse symptoms of the cold and had more complaints in their daily diary.(6)

The volunteers who received the garlic capsule had symptoms of a less severe degree for shorter amounts of time (1.5 days).

The volunteers receiving the placebo found that they had the cold for longer periods of time (5 days)  and more frequently in the months of November to February – when the survey was conducted.

A similar study reported that doubling the dosage of garlic reduced the number of sick days by another 61% (7).

If you want to avoid getting sick or decrease the severity of your sickness, add garlic to your diet or take a supplement capsule in order to fight the common cold or winter flu.

 During World War II, garlic was also employed to fight gangrene.

The boost in the immune system fights off infection and one of the methods used was the making of garlic tea: steeping chopped garlic in hot water.

Raw garlic was also placed on wounds to stops the spread of infection.

Control your weight with garlic.

Garlic could help you control your weight, according to nutritionist Cynthia Sass, who cites a study that showed mice eating a garlic-rich diet reduced their weight and fat stores. (Here are more ways to lose weight without a lick of exercise.) To take advantage of this benefit, try to cook with garlic daily.

Increases Libido

Garlic has certain aphrodisiac properties so it can be utilized as an effectual rejuvenator for sex. The health benefits of garlic are further known to enhance the libido of both men and women. People who overindulge in sexual activities should consume garlic in their diet or in supplemental form to protect themselves from nervous fatigue.

Garlic Can Combat Sickness, Including the Common Cold

Garlic supplementation is known to boost the function of the immune system.

One large 12-week study found that a daily garlic supplement reduced the number of colds by 63% compared with placebo (4).

The average length of cold symptoms was also reduced by 70%, from 5 days in placebo to just 1.5 days in the garlic group.

Another study found that a high dose of garlic extract (2.56 grams per day) can reduce the number of days sick with cold or flu by 61% (5).

If you often get colds, then adding garlic to your diet could be incredibly helpful.