Friday, March 2, 2018

10 Interesting Facts About Keeping Pets

A pet is also referred to as companion animal, a pet is an animal kept primarily for a person's company, protection, or entertainment rather than as a working animal, livestock, or laboratory animal. Popular pets are often noted for their attractive appearances or relatable personalities.
Two of the most popular pets are dogs and cats. Other animals commonly kept include: pigs, ferrets, rabbits; rodents such as gerbils, hamsters, chinchillas, rats, and guinea pigs; avian pets, such as parrots, passerines, and fowl; reptile pets, such as turtles, lizards and snakes; aquatic pets, such as fish, freshwater and saltwater snails, and frogs; and arthropod pets, such as tarantulas and hermit crabs. Small pets may be grouped together as pocket pets.
The following are the advantages of keeping pets.....

A lot of the health benefits of owning a pet may stem from the mental and emotional benefits. "People who have pets are less harried; there's more laughter in their life," says Dr. Becker. "When you come home, it's like you're George Clooney. You're a star." This is a primary reason pets are used in various forms of therapy...

(1.). Improves Mood

Pets can enhance your mood
Whether you believe it or not, pets are a great way to improve your mood and temperament. Research has shown that people who suffer from various diseases have lesser chances of depression if they keep pets as compared to those who are suffering from similar diseases and don’t keep pets.
(2.)  Investing in life

At the end of the day, having a pet means that you have made a promise to continue being involved in another life. This commitment is one of the most positive decisions you can make as you get older.
(3.).  Companion

The sheer presence of a pet in the home can boost your mood, especially after a hectic day at the office or even following a difficult conversation. The stresses of life can melt away as soon as you walk through the front door and see your beloved pet, desperate for your affection. Said animal will also be your go-to companion of choice to watch a movie with or cuddle up to read a book with on a cold winter’s day. What’s better than a furry hot water bottle who listens to every word you say and doesn’t answer back?

(4.).  Teaches Kids Responsibility

Pet can teach kids responsibility.. Every parent has heard the question ‘Can I have a pony/puppy/hamster?’ at some point in their child’s life. It’s no secret that kids love animals, and if they’re old enough, having one as a pet can actually teach them a lot of important skills.

Not only will they learn the practical skills required to own a pet, such as cleaning out the cage, grooming and teaching tricks; they’ll also develop their nurturing and empathy skills, which are vital in later life.
(5.)   Make You Make Friends
Pets can help you make more friends. The pet owner community is an incredibly friendly one – you’ll often find that people will stop to talk to you about your dog in the park. Having a pet is a great way to meet new people and create bonds quickly, especially if you’re not too good at small talk. You never know, owning a dog may help you meet the love of your life!

(6.). Safety

Having a dog at home is especially good because they also double up as caretakers. No burglar alarm can be better than a dog at home.

(7.)  Exercise
People benefit from regular physical exercise regardless of their age. But it is hard to get into a regular exercise routine, and it's so very easy to skip it. Having a dog can be a great way to make walking a part of your daily plan.