Tuesday, June 5, 2018

BURSTED!! One Of The Offa Robbery Squad Captured Wearing Bukola Saraki’s Daughter Wedding Aso-Ebi (Uniform)

BURSTED!! One Of The Offa Robbery Squad Captured Wearing Bukola Saraki’s Daughter Wedding Aso-Ebi
However, the Senate President, Bukola Saraki has denied having a relationship with the suspects and the allegation of his involvement in the criminal act, but the Police has invited him for questioning.

Recently, some pictures have surfaced online where one of the Offa Robbery Squad was captured wearing an attire confirmed to be the selected Aso-Ebi for Bukola Saraki’s Daughter’s wedding.

See Photos Below:

Guy, Do You Think Bukola Saraki Can Be Involved In This Case?

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