Tuesday, June 19, 2018

8 Best Natural Home Remedies to Make Your Body Stretch Marks Fade Away

8 Best Natural Home Remedies to Make Your Body Stretch Marks Fade Away

Stretch Marks are streaks or stripes on the skin, especially on the abdomen, caused by distension of the skin from obesity or during pregnancy.

Normally we think stretch marks appear only after pregnancy. But, stretch marks are common among people who expose to rapid body changes such as the ones engaged in sports. When your skin begins to stretch with your growth, these marks can appear on your body no matter what age you are.

It is unlikely that these marks would fade away by themselves. So, we found some natural tips that would surely help you to erase stretch marks out of your body.

Anyone can develop stretch marks, although they tend to affect more women than men.

They can occur on a range of body parts, including the stomach, thighs, hips, breasts, upper arms, and lower back.

This type of scarring happens when the skin cannot resume normal form after a period of intense growth, often due to pregnancy, weight gain, weight loss, or puberty. Over 50 percent of women experience stretch marks during pregnancy.

1. Drink a lot of water

If you drink enough water your skin will remain soft and elastic. So, it is important to stay hydrated. Studies have proven that humans need at least 8-9 glasses of water a day. Dry skin tends to be more prone to stretch marks, scars and wrinkles. So, make sure you drink plenty of water.

2. Apple lemon juice

Lemon juice is also naturally acidic and therefore quickly removes dead skin cells.  It has vitamin C which facilitates the growth of collagen. So, because of this skin tend to be elastic.

Lemon juice lightens up the colour of scars and speeds up the process of fading.

So, rub lemon juice on to the areas of the skin affected by stretch marks and leave it for 10 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural skin healer and its anti-oxidants repair damaged skin cells and restore skin tissue. It is rich in collagen which makes the skin softer and more elastic.

If you are not allergic to Aloe Vera, rub the gel well on your stretch marks and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water.

4. Rub castor oil

Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid that helps to cure stretch marks. It is very rich in fatty acid and act as a moisturizer.

You have to massage the skin affected by stretch marks with this oil and cover the area with a plastic sheet for 20-30 minutes. For, better results heat up your skin using a hot water bottle or hot pad.

5. Apply coconut oil

Coconut oil is also a good natural healer. The lauric acid in it helps to repair damaged skin. By applying it daily to your skin, you will notice that their appearance fading away.

Massage the area with coconut oil for 2-3 minutes. Leave it uncovered. You can repeat this process daily for better results.

6. Cure with vitamin A

Vitamin A reduces stretch marks and, makes the skin smoother and younger.  It can be consumed in supplement form and it also present in yellow and green fruits.

7. Exfoliate with sugar scrub

This exfoliates dead skin cells that remain around stretch marks. Scrubbing boost blood circulation and speeds up the healing process.

Mix ½ a cup of sugar with water until you get a paste like mass. Spread it over the stretch mark area and leave the area uncovered for 2-3 minutes. Repeat this twice or thrice a week.

8. Try egg white

Because of the protein in egg white skin regenerates and egg white results in making skin more elastic.

Whip egg whites and apply it to the affected area. Eave the area open until it gets dry. Wash off with warm water and apply some moisturizer.