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Friday, June 29, 2018

[New Video] Adekunle Gold x Mayorkun – Belief Anthem

Adekunle Gold x Mayorkun – Belief Anthem [New Video]

See Adekunle Gold x Mayorkun – Belief Anthem brand new video.

The brand as of late initiate the Belief Anthem, a snappy & inspiring melody that urge the national team to ‘Bring Back the Trophy’, formed and performed by Adekunle Gold & Mayorkun and created by the award winning beat producer, Cobhams Asuquo.

Watch Adekunle Gold x Mayorkun – Belief Anthem below...

Finally Drake affirms he has a son on his new Album ‘Scorpion’

Finally Drake affirms he has a son on his new Album ‘Scorpion’

AT LAST!!! Drake finally affirms he has a son on his new Album ‘Scorpion’! Drake has at last affirmed he has a child on his shiny new double album titled Scorpion, which was discharged late Thursday night.

In one of his melodies, “Emotionless” the 31-year-old raps”Look at the way we live/I wasn’t concealing my child from the world, I was concealing the world from my child,” Drake raps on “From empty souls who simply wake up and hope to discuss/until the point that you gazing at your seed, you can never relate.”

He keeps, “Breaking news in my life, I don’t hurried to the blogs/The main ones I wanna tell are the ones I can call/They generally ask, ‘Why given the story a chance to run if it’s false? /You know a wise man once said nothing at all.”

Review it was at first uncovered in the stunning diss track “The Story of Adidon” discharged back in May, where Pusha-T blamed Drake for concealing a secret child, a child who was named Adonis, who he had with a previous French porn star Sophie Brussaux.

Drake Releases New Album Titled ‘Scorpion’ Featuring Michael Jackson and More

Drake Releases ‘Scorpion’ Album Featuring Michael Jackson and More

Drake discharges ‘Scorpion’ Album Featuring Michael Jackson and More! For the recent months, G.O.O.D Music has been commanding with their seven track albums.

Drake has simply expands the energy in Hip Hop by releases his exceedingly expected album titled Scorpion.

The album comes in with a great deal of force with Drake having released 2 chart topping singles with God’s Plan & Nice For What which remained at the highest point of the Billboard charts for some time.

The rapper discharged his album as a double circle with a sum of twenty five singles with both RnB & Hip Hop waves.

He features a couple of substantial big name on his album with appearances from Jay-Z, Michael Jackson, Ty Dolla $ign & Static Major.

Drake affirms that he has a child on “Emotionless” and “8 Out Of 10” after Pusha T had dissed him about it.

Listen Drake ‘Scorpion’ Album below...

Thursday, June 28, 2018

See Obvious Signs To Tell if a Girl Likes You For Real

How to Know if a Girl Likes You

Wondering how to tell if a girl likes you? Once you know and can read the signs that a girl is attracted, you can make your move and tell her how you feel.
Use these indicators to know when she wants you.

Her eyes have the answers
If a girl likes you then you will find that she will look at you a lot.

If you are in the same room and she looks once or twice don’t get too excited, this doesn’t mean much.

But if she is constantly looking at you or in your direction, then you can be confident that she is attracted to you.

It’s not just her looking at you that you should watch out for.

Girls who like you will also be afraid of you “catching them” looking.

So if you turn and see a girl quickly breaking eye contact (this needs to happen more than two or three times), then you can be pretty sure she was staring at you and likes you.

Girls obviously make eye contact with you during conversation so please don’t take this as a sign that they like you.

Touches her Hair/Scalp
If a girl starts adjusting her hair more than is normal, this is one way how to tell if a girl likes you.

She will run her hand through it and put loose strands behind her ear.

She may also lightly scratch just behind her ear.

Remember that she has to do this more than once or twice for you to be sure that she likes you.

She laughs at your jokes even when they aren’t funny
Girls who are attracted to you will laugh at your jokes far more often than girls who are not.

This is a sure sign that she is attracted to you.

She touches you a lot
When this girl is around you, does she touch you a lot.

More than she would touch other people? If so then you can take it as a sign she likes you.

Does she always want to hang out?
If this girl is always asking you to hang out (alone with her) a lot, then you can be pretty sure that she likes you.

Look out for the other signs when you are hanging out together.

She is shy around you
While some girls are more flirty and extroverted around guys they like, some girls are the opposite.

They become shy and quiet when they are in the presence of someone they like.

If the girl is normally loud and boisterous around her friends but she becomes quite shy around you, then you can be positive that she.

Demmie Vee ft. Davolee – Forgive Me [New Song]

Demmie Vee ft. Davolee – Forgive Me [New Song]

Demmie Vee releases new song titled “Forgive Me” and he collaborates with YBNL artist Davolee as he made a free-form to the tune earlier.

Listen and download Demmie Vee Ft. Davolee – Forgive Me below...

Monday, June 25, 2018

SO SAD!!! D’banj’s 1-Year Old Son Is Dead ("Daniel D-Third")

SO SAD!!! D’banj’s 1-Year Old Son "Daniel D-Third" Is Dead

D’banj has lost his child, Daniel. Daniel was said to have suffocate in the pool at the vocalist’s Ikoyi house.

As per various reports, Daniel Oyebanjo III, the child of D’banj and his better half Lineo Didi Kilgrow, On Sunday, June 24th, 2018, lost his life in a terrible occurrence. The 1-year old kid who turned one last May, is said to have kicked the bucket in the wake of suffocating at Dbanj’s Ikoyi house. His remaining has been moved to a funeral home at GRA, Ikeja. Associates and enthusiasts of the vocalist have been communicating their sympathies. The artist himself has made a post via web-based networking media about the pitiful episode.

How D’banj Son, Daniel D’Third Drowned In Swimming Pool While D’banj Was In USA

How Dbanj Son Daniel Oyebanjo Aka Daniel D Third Died After Drowning Inside Family House Swimming Pool In Ikoyi Lagos As Father Flies To LA For 2018 BET Awards

More details have emerged on the circumstances surrounding the death of little Daniel Oyebanjo III aka Daniel D Third, the only child of star singer Dapo Oyebanjo Dbanj.

According to a sources close to the couple, Daniel was playing with a couple of family friends who paid them a visit at their residence in Ikoyi Lagos on Sunday when the boy wandered away into the backyard where he fell into the pool.

His mother who left the boy with grown kids believing that they are capable of taking care of him later learnt that the boy body was found inside the pool. He was rushed to the hospital in an unconscious state where he was certified dead.

As at the time of this report, his father is in far away Los Angeles California for the 2018 Black Star Entertainment Awards. The body of the late infant has been transferred to the mortuary.

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Don Jazzy, Tonto Dikeh, Frank Amudo, and others Nigerian mourn the death of D’banj 13-months old son

Celebrities such as Toyin Aimakhu, Adesua Etomi, Don Jazzy, Dr. Sid, Wande Coal and Tiwa Savage have taken to social media to mourn after the news of his death was announced by his father via Instagram.

Nigerians and media outlets in general has been put into grieving after the sudden passing of Dbanj‘s 13-month old child, Daniel The Third who purportedly suffocated in a pool yesterday.
Fans and famous people who can’t swallow the intense pill have all taken to socail media to grieve the passing of Daniel who just commended his first birthday celebration a month back.

Don Jazzy composed, ‘Just heard the worst news in a long time’.

Dbanjs manager, Frank Amudo also wrote, ‘Trying Times Try God. He Is Still Worthy Of All Our Praises ..
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Friday, June 22, 2018

All You Need In Building A Successful Business - Step Guide On Business Startup

On Startups: All You Need In Building A Successful Business

I could list a billion things like investing in yourself, getting a mentor, read books about businesses and startups, the list could be endless but here are some vital things you need in building a successful business.
There is no limit to who can become a great entrepreneur. You do not need a college diploma, a huge amount of money, group at the bank or even a business experience that may be the next big hit.

However, what you need is a solid plan and a willingness to see it.

I feel without them you really can’t get your business there.

You need to Ask yourself these following questions everyday...

Why do I want to go into this?

What problem am I solving?

What are my goals?

What will I achieve?

Am I doing it for the paycheck?

Am I doing it because I love it?

What is my reason?

I like to be involved in things that change the world. — Elon Musk
Why am I doing this?

Your answer to that question will determine how successful you might turn out.

The stronger the answer or the more answers you get the more drive you will push towards being successful.

Simon Sinek explains this concept properly in his book – Start with why.

His idea was that customers would love and believe in your product if you give them a strong reason to.

You should really be clear on why you want to start up, this would help you in the long run.


Am I passionate about this business?

How do I feel when I think about it?

What gets you fired up?

What are you passionate about?

I have a friend that loves clubbing; he never misses his Friday and Sunday night for any reason.

You would always find him at the club these two days of the week, I can’t keep count of the number of times I had advised him to stop or cut the rate at which he clubs.

It all fell on deaf ears! Fast forward six months later, he is now a club promoter and he is making cool cash every Friday and Sunday of the week.

The more you love what you do, the more you will be actively engaged in it which will lead to success.

This should also relate to your staff, members and co-founders.

It’s very essential that people working with you have passion for the business.

I would make sure to hire people who love what they do, heck they should have the same goal as you!


What is your unique selling point?

What will you do different from your competitors?

Have you identified who your customers are?

You should analyze your competition to see what they don’t have, learn their business, you might see what they aren’t doing well or probably see what they are doing well and you can twist it adding your experience and ideas making it your own to become more successful.

Take Airbnb for example, it’s practically a hotel at home.

They connect travelers and people around the world that have living spaces to rent, by doing this, they changed the way the traditional hotel works.

I don’t plan on booking hotels anymore, I will always using Airbnb’s service.

It’s cheaper than a hotel and the advantages of meeting and talking with the host is incomparable especially if you are a tourist.


Plan. Plan. Plan. Fail.

Make mistakes, get back up quickly and get on the run again.

You should have set goals, get a business plan; not a big 150 page business plan, get something small – 20 pages at-most.

With time as the business grows, you can scale up the plan accordingly.


This has been disputed many times that you need money, enough  money to start a business, I do not agree with that.

The question is how much is enough money? Money is never enough no matter how much.

The secret is to start with what you have, then bootstrap!

Bootstrap till you gain traction, that’s when the VC’s will come, that’s when the angel Investors will come knocking.

They would never if they don’t see traction.

We have seen that with companies like Flipkart – They recently raised a billion dollar in funding: they started with selling books online and I have been their customer since early 2010.

I have bought many books from them, till now I have not even finished reading half of the books!


This should set you on the right course and push you to cut off all red tapes.

Tesla Motors is doing just that.

There are laws in the United States preventing cars sold directly to the consumers, cars are normally being sold through auto dealers and Elon Musk doesn’t really care about that.

You can buy a Tesla online and it’s an electric car – what the world thought it will never be possible.

You need to be ready to take risks. Break the rules.

You need those brass balls! I have never heard of any entrepreneur that hasn’t taken as much risk as possible.

Be ready to fail, accept it, get up and move fast.

With that being said, it’s important to cut as much risk as possible.

And In Conclusion
Building a successful business can be rewarding, challenging and also a frightening experience.

It won’t happen overnight without work and no amount of luck will make it happen either.

So keep working, keep your head up and don’t stop until you hit that set goal.

Have more points to give? Let me know in the comment section.

Heartbroken Fan Of Messi Missing, Suicide Note Found

Heartbroken Fan Of Messi Missing, Suicide Note Found

"Am Unable to bear the thrashing Argentina received at the hands of Croatia late on Thursday."
A diehard Lionel Messi fan here has gone missing, leaving behind a suicide note saying he has nothing to look forward to now. A search operation is on.

A team of police divers and locals on Friday searched the Meenachil river that flows by Arumannoor near here.

Binu Alex, 30, who was last seen watching the FIFA World Cup match, according to his parents, has been missing from the house since 4am, a police officer, who did not want to be named, told IANS.

“A quick search revealed a suicide note in which he says he is leaving the world as he has nothing more to watch and see,” said the officer.

A close relative of Alex told IANS that he was a hardcore Messi fan and his mobile phone had a picture of Messi as the wallpaper.

“Yesterday, he purchased a T shirt like the one worn by Messi and sat down to watch the match. In the morning when his mother got up at 4am to prepare food for Alex, she saw that the back door of the kitchen was open and immediately called her husband.

“They then went to check on Alex and found that he was missing,” said the relative, adding that police was called then.

Police arrived with a sniffer dog who ran towards the river which is flowing in full spate on account of the rains in the past few days. Some divers searched in the water but failed to find the body.

Alex was unmarried and works as an accountant in a private company here.

Kim Kardashian Replies Critics Who Slammed Her For Wearing Fulani Braids

Kim Kardashian Replies Critics Who Slammed Her For Wearing Fulani Braids

American reality star, Kim Kardashian West has spoken out against critics who judged her for rocking Fulani braids for an awards show.

The 37-year-old entrepreneur was slammed over her thin corn rows after experiencing an immense about of backlash earlier this year for a similar style after calling them Bo ‘Bo Derek’ braids.

In an interview with Bustle, Kim revealed her decision to wear the braids was because her eldest daughter, North West, wanted matching hairstyles.

‘I actually did that look because North said she wanted braids and asked if I would do them with her. So we braided her hair and then we braided my hair,’ Kim explained to the news site.

I obviously know they’re called fulani braids and I know the origin of where they came from and I’m totally respectful of that,’ she said. ‘I’m not tone deaf to where I don’t get it. I do get it.’

After people complained, Kim said she should’ve explained her meaning before posting the Snapchat.

‘But in no way am I ever trying to disrespect anyone’s culture by wearing braids,’ Kim said. ‘If anything, my daughter was so excited to see me get matching braids with her.’

World Cup 2018: Ronaldo Scoring Cheap Goals, Messi Playing In A Broken Team – Fabregas

World Cup 2018: Ronaldo Scoring Cheap Goals, Messi Playing In A Broken Team – Fabregas

Chelsea midfielder, Cesc Fabregas, has played down Cristiano Ronaldo’s contribution at the 2018 World Cup and insists Argentina’s struggles are not all Lionel Messi’s fault.

Writing in a column for BBC Sport, Fabregas, who was left out of Spain’s squad for the tournament, said that Ronaldo’s four goals in two games, including a hat trick against La Roja, “have come from set-pieces, penalties or mistakes.”

Fabregas also praised former Barcelona teammate, Messi and bemoaned Argentina’s lack of quality, after their 1-1 draw with Iceland and 3-0 loss to Croatia.

“It was a similar story for Messi against Croatia, but it was not all his fault.

“As I said in my TV analysis after Argentina’s defeat, they look like a broken team.

“So it is has been really difficult for him. He does not have the quality in behind him, when he needs someone who can help him build up the play,” Fabregas said.

Fabregas, who played alongside Messi at Barcelona, also said Ronaldo does not have to work as hard for the Portugal team.

“These days, Cristiano Ronaldo has a very different role for Portugal – he mainly stays up front and you no longer see him running all over the pitch,” he added.

“He is one of the big names in Russia who has made a strong start to this World Cup, in terms of goals, with four so far.

“Yes, he is playing well, but if you really look at what he has done, he has scored one penalty, one free kick, one goal from a corner and one with a shot that David De Gea should have saved. You cannot say that he and Portugal have shown great combinations or tiki-taka football to score great goals.

“You have to give him credit, of course, but his goals have come from set-pieces, penalties or mistakes.”

Thursday, June 21, 2018

SHOCKING!!! See What Happened Between 2Baba & His Wife

SHOCKING!!! See What Happened Between 2Baba & His Wife

Could there be inconvenience in the heaven of 2Baba and his significant other, Annie Macaulay? Or on the other hand are the darlings simply messing about via web-based networking media?
2Baba and his significant other, Annie Macaulay made a scene on Instagram with their chat about the artist’s adoration for ladies. Prior in the day, 2Baba made a post on Instagram, announcing his adoration for ladies and that he is so unashamed to state it. His declaration was sure to draw in light of a legitimate concern for his better half, Annie, who numerous have been praised for her choice to settle down with the artist even in the wake of managing his philandering habit amid their pre-marriage relationship.
Shockingly, when Annie would make a response to 2Baba’s post, she just dropped indistinguishable ‘eye-moving’ smileys. The smiley proposes that the darlings are just captivating in a chitchat. 2Baba fans can relax their nerves as the artist isn’t going to take part in any type of encounter with his better half.

See post underneath.

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Incredible! Mbappe Becomes Youngest Goal Scorer In World Cup As France Beat Peru 1 – 0 (Watch The Goal Highlights)

Incredible! Mbappe Becomes Youngest Goal Scorer In World Cup As France Beat Peru 1 – 0 (Watch The Goal Highlights)

Kylian Mbappe made history as France booked their place in the World Cup’s knockout rounds with an unconvincing 1-0 Group C defeat of Peru.

France were fortunate in their 2-1 opening win over Australia and they had slices of luck again at the Ekaterinburg Arena on Thursday.

Mbappe’s goal, which came from close-range after Olivier Giroud’s shot took a wicked deflection to beat goalkeeper Pedro Gallese, saw the 19-year-old become the youngest player to score for France at a major international tournament.

As they did in losing narrowly to Denmark, Peru had plenty of chances, returning captain Paolo Guerrero firing at Hugo Lloris and Pedro Aquino clipping the post with a super strike from range.

However, Peru were unable to find a way through and Ricardo Gareca’s side – who have yet to find the net in Russia – are certain to be knocked out.
Denmark look set to join France in the last 16 after their 1-1 draw with Australia, but they need a point against Les Bleus in their final outing to be certain of progressing.

Download and Watch The Goal Highlight Below:

[New Song] Olamide – Ghetto Bred EP ft. Eniola Badmus

Olamide – Ghetto Bred EP ft. Eniola Badmus [New Song]

Olamide and Eniola Badmus joint forces on this joint EP titled “Ghetto Bred” which is a gathering of the soundtracks in Eniola new film titled Ghetto Bred.

The tracks are “Ghetto Bred”, “No” and “Manual”

Trust me, these tracks are hot...

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

[New Music] Wonderboy - Not A Fool

[New Music] Wonderboy - Not A Fool

Your favorite boy (Wonderboy) is here again with another jam of life...guys hes got ur back on this one and Also Gives the ladies something to think about..

He Titles this one NOT A FOOL. Produced by Joesticks and mixed by KHAYMIX Himself.

Download listen and kindly drop your comments below..
Hit him on Twitter @itsmrWonder and insta @itsmrWonder and facebook via Wonderboy owoyemi...


Tuesday, June 19, 2018

8 Best Natural Home Remedies to Make Your Body Stretch Marks Fade Away

8 Best Natural Home Remedies to Make Your Body Stretch Marks Fade Away

Stretch Marks are streaks or stripes on the skin, especially on the abdomen, caused by distension of the skin from obesity or during pregnancy.

Normally we think stretch marks appear only after pregnancy. But, stretch marks are common among people who expose to rapid body changes such as the ones engaged in sports. When your skin begins to stretch with your growth, these marks can appear on your body no matter what age you are.

It is unlikely that these marks would fade away by themselves. So, we found some natural tips that would surely help you to erase stretch marks out of your body.

Anyone can develop stretch marks, although they tend to affect more women than men.

They can occur on a range of body parts, including the stomach, thighs, hips, breasts, upper arms, and lower back.

This type of scarring happens when the skin cannot resume normal form after a period of intense growth, often due to pregnancy, weight gain, weight loss, or puberty. Over 50 percent of women experience stretch marks during pregnancy.

1. Drink a lot of water

If you drink enough water your skin will remain soft and elastic. So, it is important to stay hydrated. Studies have proven that humans need at least 8-9 glasses of water a day. Dry skin tends to be more prone to stretch marks, scars and wrinkles. So, make sure you drink plenty of water.

2. Apple lemon juice

Lemon juice is also naturally acidic and therefore quickly removes dead skin cells.  It has vitamin C which facilitates the growth of collagen. So, because of this skin tend to be elastic.

Lemon juice lightens up the colour of scars and speeds up the process of fading.

So, rub lemon juice on to the areas of the skin affected by stretch marks and leave it for 10 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a natural skin healer and its anti-oxidants repair damaged skin cells and restore skin tissue. It is rich in collagen which makes the skin softer and more elastic.

If you are not allergic to Aloe Vera, rub the gel well on your stretch marks and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse it off with warm water.

4. Rub castor oil

Castor oil contains ricinoleic acid that helps to cure stretch marks. It is very rich in fatty acid and act as a moisturizer.

You have to massage the skin affected by stretch marks with this oil and cover the area with a plastic sheet for 20-30 minutes. For, better results heat up your skin using a hot water bottle or hot pad.

5. Apply coconut oil

Coconut oil is also a good natural healer. The lauric acid in it helps to repair damaged skin. By applying it daily to your skin, you will notice that their appearance fading away.

Massage the area with coconut oil for 2-3 minutes. Leave it uncovered. You can repeat this process daily for better results.

6. Cure with vitamin A

Vitamin A reduces stretch marks and, makes the skin smoother and younger.  It can be consumed in supplement form and it also present in yellow and green fruits.

7. Exfoliate with sugar scrub

This exfoliates dead skin cells that remain around stretch marks. Scrubbing boost blood circulation and speeds up the healing process.

Mix ½ a cup of sugar with water until you get a paste like mass. Spread it over the stretch mark area and leave the area uncovered for 2-3 minutes. Repeat this twice or thrice a week.

8. Try egg white

Because of the protein in egg white skin regenerates and egg white results in making skin more elastic.

Whip egg whites and apply it to the affected area. Eave the area open until it gets dry. Wash off with warm water and apply some moisturizer.

SO SAD!!! XXXTentacion shot dead in Florida

BREAKING!!! XXXTentacion shot dead in Florida

Rapper XXXTentacion has been shot in South Florida, with an onlooker disclosing to TMZ that he was found with “no heartbeat.”

XXXTentacion had apparently been looking for cruisers and was leaving the bike merchant when a shooter raced to him and shot him.

Onlookers have shared via web-based networking media recordings and photographs of the 20-year-old rapper lifeless body in his auto, with a gun wound.

Reports later affirmed that the rapper is dead.

XXXTentacion was involved with legal issues, and he was anticipating preliminary trial for aggressive behavior at home against his pregnant girlfriend.

Amazing! Rapper, Drake Gifts His Dad A $100k Bentley for Father's Day (Photo)

Rapper, Drake Gifts His Dad A $100k Bentley (Photo)

Over the weekend, Canadian Rapper, Drake surprised his dad ‘Dennis Graham with a new Bentley for Father’s Day.

Drake’s dad was at home on Sunday before he got a call about a gift being outside of his place.

Initially, he reportedly thought it was some delivery package until he opened the door and saw a brand new Bentley sitting outside.

According to the delivery guy, Graham FaceTimed Drake immediately after receiving the gift that is estimated to be worth $100k.

Drake’s dad has since shared a photo of the new whip with the caption;
“I am the happiest Dad in America for Father’s Day my wonderful Son graced me with a beautiful Bentley for my day Thank You so much my baby boy @champagnepapi it just doesn’t get any better than this, I love it son and I Love you”.

See the photo below:-

Monday, June 18, 2018

2Baba x Waje – Dettol Future Football Heroes [New Song]

2Baba x Waje – Dettol Future Football Heroes [New Song]

Checkout 2Baba x Waje – Dettol Future Football Heroes new song.

In this World Cup 2018 season, Nigeria Legendary singer 2Baba and the astounding Waje have teamed up to dispatch Dettol’s drive to help 50 kids, the future Nigerian Football Heroes tagged #DettolFutureFootballHeroes

Download and Listen to 2Baba x Waje – Dettol Future Football Heroes below...

Missing Woman Found Dead Inside Belly Of a 23 Foot Long Python

Missing Woman Found Dead Inside Belly Of a 23 Foot Long Python

An Indonesia woman was found dead in the belly of an 7-metre-long python.

The body of 54-year-old Indonesian woman, Wa Tiba, was found on Friday when villagers cut open the giant snake.
She was previously reported missing.

She was recovered from the giant snake that was captured and killed near the place where she went missing.

NDTV and The Times of Israel reported that on Friday, the villagers killed the swollen snake and emptied its stomach on the island of Muna, offshore of Sulawesi.

Muna Police chief Agung Ramos Paretongan Sinaga said the housewife disappeared on Thursday night after she went to inspect her plantation around 1km away from her house.

Wa Tiba's family became anxious as she did not return home even the next day.

Her sister went looking for her at the plantation, only to find her footprints, a torch, slippers and a machete on the ground.

Wa Tiba's family and villagers launched a search for her.

Another police official said that villagers found the giant serpent lying about 30 metres from Wa Tiba's sandals and machete, adding she was swallowed head first and her body was found intact.

When they cut open the snakes belly they found Tibas body still intact with all her clothes.

 She was swallowed first from her head.

According to Faris, the victims garden is located in a rocky area with caves and cliffs believed to contain many snakes.

Giant pythons are commonly found in Indonesia and the Philippines. Though they have been known to attack small animals, attempts to eat people are rare.

Reticulated pythons, which are widespread in Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia, grab onto their prey with dozens of sharp curved teeth and then squeeze it to death before swallowing it whole.

It was the second python attack on a human in Indonesia since March last year, when a 25-year-old man was swallowed whole by a python in West Sulawesi province.

In March 2017, another farmer was killed by a python in the village of Salubiro on Sulawesi island.

An Indonesian woman has been found in the belly of a giant python after the swollen snake was captured near where she vanished while tending her vegetable garden, police said Saturday.

Gbedu Dey Come!!! Tiwa Savage X Wizkid Collaborate, Set To Drop Soon!

Gbedu Dey Come!!! Tiwa Savage X Wizkid Collaborate, Set To Drop Soon!

A few minutes back, Wizkid broke the news of another collaboration effort with Tiwa Savage on Twitter. The Starboy composed that “new tiwa x Wiz ? Hit! ????Gbedu dey come ! ??” and the music network has just gotten the buzz. Word has been spreading in the hover of fans that another real hit is on the way.
The story accompanies extraordinary fervor for a ton of fans who have seen and delighted in the science shared by the 2 artists. Tiwa Savage & Wizkid first worked together in 2015 on a melody titled Bad and it swung to be a noteworthy achievement. In 2017, both reproduced the enchantment on a tune titled Ma Lo, off Tiwa’s Sugarcane EP, and the industry still hasn’t recuperated from the effect of the hit.

With the news of another of Tiwa-Weezy duet on its way, desires are high and the count down to the discharge date has started. It is our earnest expectation that the tune would meet the elevated requirement.

See tweet below...

“We Have Not Released Guidelines For 2019 Elections” – PDP

“We Have Not Released Guidelines For 2019 Elections” – PDP

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) has said that its guidelines for 2019 presidential primary election was not yet ready.

The party disclosed this in a statement issued by its National Organising Secretary, Austin Akobundu, on Sunday in Abuja.

Mr Akobundu said that the clarification became necessary following a publication by a national daily titled “PDP list guidelines for presidential aspirants, demands N12m for forms.

“We wish to state categorically that the party is still in the process of drawing up the guidelines for its presidential primary election.

“It is therefore misleading to claim that the party has ‘listed its guidelines’ not to talk of the cost of nomination forms.

“At the appropriate time the proposals will be presented to NEC of the party which will approve as it deems fit.

“Only then can one say that it has the guidelines for the 2018 presidential primary election.”

Mr Akobundu said that the party’s National Working Committee under the leadership of Prince Uche Secondus, was committed to adhering strictly to the PDP constitution.'
He noted that the constitution in Chapter 8 (50) (1) grants NEC the power to formulate the guidelines for aspirants in any of its Party Primaries, the presidential primary inclusive.

Mr Akobundu appreciated the interest in the party’s electoral processes and said PDP was always ready to respond to any enquiries and to make all necessary information available.

The national organising secretary urged the general public, party members and they PDP presidential aspirants to disregard the said publication.

“The authentic guidelines for PDP presidential primary election will be released as soon as they are considered by the organs of the party.”