According to reports President Muhammadu Buhari arrived Lagos in the early hours of the day, to commission the warship.
A statement by Femi Adesina, a senior special aide to the president on media affairs, affirms the launch ceremony.
Below is the speech by President Buhari at the commissioning ceremony of Nigerian Naval Ships, Unity, Karaduwa and Tugboat Commander Edwin Ugwu, which held at the Naval Dockyard Victoria Island, Lagos.
I am delighted to be in your midst today to witness thecommissioning ceremony of Nigerian Navy Ships UNITY and KARADUWA as well as the Nigerian Navy Tugboat COMMANDER EDWIN UGWU, which are about to be added to the Nigerian Navyfleet. The event of today is significant for a number of reasons.
2. First, it is most fulfilling to note that our own engineers at theNigerian Navy Dockyard, Lagos and the Naval Shipyard, PortHarcourt are wholly responsible for the building of the SeawardDefence Boat, Nigerian Navy Ship KARADUWA and the Tugboat COMMANDER EDWIN UGWU, respectively.
It is also worth notingthat NNS UNITY, which is Nigeria’s newest warship, is the second ofsuch acquisitions from the Peoples’ Republic of China and is a productof Nigeria’s growing relationship with China.
3. I take this opportunity to pay tribute to this friendship, especiallyin acknowledgement of the mutually helpful military cooperation, ofwhich the Nigerian Navy has been a major beneficiary. I recall withprofound appreciation the gesture of the Chinese Government indonating an offshore patrol boat to the Navy at the time of takingdelivery of the sister ship of Nigerian Navy Unity last year. 1
4. Hence, I cannot but commend the business dependability ofChina Shipbuilding & Offshore International Company Limited, thebuilders of these Offshore Patrol Vessels for seeing to a conclusiveand successful execution of the contracts. In the same vein, I enjointheir local partners to share in this commendation for their efforts atlocal facilitation.
5. The Nigerian Navy has shown great foresight in nurturing thevision for this ship and her sister ship. It is even more heartwarmingthat you have not confined your efforts to having recourse to foreignsources alone, but have braced up to take your destiny in your ownhands by embarking on aggressive local complement provision toassemble your fleet.

The Federal Government expects no less fromyou as looking inwards is the way to go amidst a uniquely challengingmix of recession and rising acute security concerns.
6. The prevailing situation is not new given the intimate connectionsbetween economic prosperity and security. For a littoral state withhuge dependence on her offshore resources, maritime security is vitalto the nation’s well-being. Today you are afforded increased defencecapacity.
This empowerment also enhances your role as instrumentsof diplomacy and leadership in the region and credible standing on the global stage. The Navy’s impressive strides in the area of continuedfight against maritime security threats like piracy, oil theft, illegalbunkering and pipeline vandalism are well known.
7. As a truly national service, I commend your involvement andcontribution in the on-going fight against insurgency in the North East.
The Navy is also envisaged to play a critical role in upcomingcontinental programmes such as the development of sustainable blueeconomy for Africa adopted and signed by the African Union in October 2016. The commissioning of these platforms is to emboldenyou to sustain and expand your capacity and remit.
8. The Federal Government will continue to provide yourrequirements within the limits of our resources. Our administration isunwavering in prioritizing the commitment, readiness and willingnesstowards strengthening the Navy through improved training, provision of modern equipment, infrastructure and attention to welfare.
I hasten however to remind you that we are at a critical period when thecountry faces dwindling revenues. The moment therefore calls forprudent resource management and patriotic re-dedication. I am accordingly encouraged by the steps you have taken so far.
9. The entrenchment of new policy directives codified in suchfunctional documents as the 2011 - 2020 Transformation Plan, FiveYear Quick Impact Strategic Plan and the Total Spectrum Strategy arecredible guidelines for improved efficiency. I urge you to keep it up.
10. Your Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,once again I thank you for making this event a memorable one. My gratitude goes to all the friends of Nigeria and the Nigerian Navy for making it a success. I congratulate the leadership of Nigerian Navy, itsofficers, men and civilian staff for their dedication and patriotism.
11. Thank you, God bless you and like it is said in Navy parlance“Onward Together” and wishing you the very best."

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