Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Joke Of The Day: Teacher Catches Fire As Koboko Shocks Him

Oh No! Teacher Catches Fire As Koboko Shocks Him

Teacher: If I gathered 6 bottle of drinks on my right hand and 5 bottles of drinks on my left hand, Koboko, what will I have?

Koboko: ehn.... I did not hear you well sir,

Teacher Reemphasized: I placed 6bottle of drinks on one hand and then 5bottles on my other hand, what will I have Koboko?

Koboko: You will have a drinking problem sir.

Teacher in vexation: You say what... ... ...?? ?? ?? ??

Koboko: Honesty sir, you are a drunkard.

O boy, “the teacher catches fire o," he nearly burnt the small pikin to ashes.

It wasnt a small sometinz.. Abi, didnt the boy get the answer?