Why You Should Stop Getting Into Arguments
As tempting as it can be to speak your mind all the time, it’s not a good idea. Here are six reasons why arguing kinda sucks:
ARGUMENT:-- An argument is a series of statements typically used to persuade someone of something or to present reasons for accepting a conclusion. An Argument is a praxeologic concept, an argument is not a proof. A proof changes our knowledge; an argument compels us to act.
Loving argument means the curiosity to know other point of view of an assertion. Every side want to put what they think right and viable but other will bring some reality check and pessimism, many people will brings so many dimension to an idea or assertion.

There are plenty of bad reasons to love to argue. Some have been listed here. Often they are rooted in psychological or emotional problems. But there a number of approaches that feel that the dialectic or argument is one of the best ways to get closer to the truth.
Arguing is an extremely effective way to gain knowledge, learn about another person, understand yourself, and just practice communicating. Also, it is exciting.
Some people argue because arguing is fun.
Also because some people find it really fun and stimulating. In addition, there’s a great emotional surge that comes with it that some people get high on.
Reasons Why You Should Stop Getting Into Arguments
1. You Probably Won’t Win.
First of all, you probably aren’t going to change anyone’s mind when you argue with them.
In fact, people tend to react strongly in opposition to someone else’s hostile mindset.
So if you got into an argument with me about something, I would put up mental blocks to what you are saying because my ego has just as much of a need to be right as yours.
2. You Might Not Be Right.
Remember, if you got into an argument, it’s because someone else disagrees with you about something.
Maybe, just maybe, there is a chance that the other person could be right.
I know that’s probably never the case in your arguments, though
3. Even When You Win, You Lose.
Let’s say you are right.
Then what?
Whoopdy-friggin-do. What do you actually get out of it?
If you are right, you were right before the argument too, so you haven’t “won" or received any benefit at all.
4. Nobody Is Impressed.
Honestly, none of the people watching your argument think you are cool.
Arguing just makes you look like a jerk.
5. Your Relationship Is Harmed.
Getting into an argument with someone will not make you like each other more.
I think this one is pretty obvious, but people rarely stop to consider the consequences to their relationship when they argue.
All that negative energy just makes all the people involved resentful towards each other